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Topic subjectFortunately, my parents are taking it seriously
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13375932&mesg_id=13376067
13376067, Fortunately, my parents are taking it seriously
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Apr-01-20 12:15 PM
They're both 75 (or my Dad is about to be), and they recognize the importance of sheltering in place. My father is a peditrician, so he's been ultra militant about staying at home and not interacting with anyone. I don't think he's left the house in the past few weeks other than to take walks in the morning and afternoon. My Mom only leaves to take walks and go to the grocery store maybe once a week (My wife and I pick them up produce and other stuff that they don't sell nearby).

My closest friends father's is being hard-headed. Like, extremely so. Apparently still insisting that he's not going to let this outbreak ruin his life and prevent him from doing things, like banking, in person. And he's older than my parents and is dealing with some serious health issues already. My friend had to do a one-person intervention with him. I sincerely hope he listened.