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Topic subjectstellar turnout in 2020.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13370114&mesg_id=13371770
13371770, stellar turnout in 2020.
Posted by Reeq, Sat Mar-07-20 10:07 PM
Democratic turnout in the presidential primaries has risen over 2016 levels, in some cases exceeding recent high water marks reached in 2008. Much of that increase has come from suburban areas, and much of it has helped Joe Biden.


*all* of the population growth in this country is happening in urban/suburban areas. rural areas are losing population.

the potential for 2020 to cement the realignment of well educated and white collar suburbs away from trump/repubs (which keyed a lot of the (D)emocratic gains in 2018) is at a much higher likelihood with a moderate like biden at the top of the ticket. it will do wonders for down ballot races in those areas and put states like nc, fl, nc, ga, and tx in play.

if the suburbs leave the republican party for good...thats game over.