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Topic subjectLOL 'the data shows'...47% prefer Biden
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13370114&mesg_id=13371555
13371555, LOL 'the data shows'...47% prefer Biden
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Mar-06-20 12:31 PM

And this doesn't even account for Warren supporters who prefer Bernie, but doubt his chances to win and/or are disgusted by his supporters.

Stop setting up your next excuse. Stop making Liz the villain.

You were wrong Vex.

No youth surge. Little improvement with black voters. Movement not big enough to beat Tom Perez, let alone Trump.

Just stop.

Take a beat. Take a break from this and think about what could have been done better.

Better/softer language. Better outreach. Less rabid followers.

Maybe spend more time attacking Biden than Warren.


Its over man. And there is no conspiracy. No boogie man. No spoiler.

I think we could have had a progressive candidate...yall just fucked it up.

But either way, at least admit you were wrong and take the Ls like a grown ass man.

>Will she do it?
>During her address today, Warren spoke about her two-cent
>wealth tax on the top tenth of 1%, universal child-care,
>student debt-relief, medicare-for-all, and enhancing social
>security for millions of aging Americans. These policies are
>shared - 100% - with Bernard Sanders.
>Joe Biden is for *none* of those policy proposals.
>To be clear: Warren doesn't owe anybody anything - however -
>she has a history of making principled stands and speaking
>truth to power. Whether it was battling Joe "Credit Card
>Company" Biden himself when she first entered the Senate to
>stand up for consumer protection, or challenging Tim Geithner
>on bailing out the banks (aka Corporate Socialism) in the
>aftermath of the Great Recession - or even standing up to
>Obama with a principled stand against TPP and trade policies
>that exploit global workers - Warren has time and time again
>waged into the big fights that very few had the courage to
>take on.
>She now has the ability to endorse a candidate in Bernie
>Sanders - who is not just the only Presidential candidate -
>but the only colleague in the Senate most closely aligned with
>her bold, structural change policy prescriptions.
>And she might make the finest Sec. of Treasury in the history
>of the United States.
>The data shows that ~40% of Warren supporters prefer Sanders
>as their 2nd choice. That number might very well increase
>should Warren endorse him - and it could neutralize the
>moderate gang consolidation efforts against Sanders, giving
>new life to the Progressive policies that Warren has stated
>are popular with the American people --- and she's right.