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Topic subjectBoth. LOL...and yeah, I DEF. see it from her standpoint...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13370522&mesg_id=13371210
13371210, Both. LOL...and yeah, I DEF. see it from her standpoint...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Mar-05-20 12:06 PM

>Cause she doesn’t care about those miles and while I
>understand your description of running shoes breaking down it
>still sounds like bullshit (to her) to keep buying a ton of

And I totally get it.....and I'm not even saying it's not partial bullshit....technically....

>and you aren’t training for the olympics so she prolly like
>“FOH with all this technical shit.

It's my hobby though...
That's the thing...
No, i'm not training for olympics...but I DO set personal goals & several races yearly and I train for those.
And it feels good to meet those goals and get personal records because...really...at this age what OTHER kinda frivolous shit can I realistically be competitive at and feel some sense of accomplishment with relative ease and low cost of entry?
In general, running is a fairly cheap hobby...
Cat's out here dropping grands on golf clubs and shit....monthly gym memberships....etc....
I spend like...i dunno...$200 - $400 per year on running gear (shoes, socks, race entries)....

I don't even really have that many running shoes when I think about it....

3 pairs of Mizuno's spanning 4 years in age...
2 pairs of Saucony's
and now 2 pairs of Nikes

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