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Topic subjectOh word yea - to your point re: swing state ...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13364296&mesg_id=13369400
13369400, Oh word yea - to your point re: swing state ...
Posted by Brew, Fri Feb-28-20 09:59 AM
>i miiight feel different if i was in a swing state (i'm in
>Cali), or even if i had the bandwidth for it because I'm
>already spread thin, but realistically I wouldn't either way.

... in 2012 when I canvassed for Obama I went up to NH to do it. MA was obviously already voting blue as always.

In 2018 I was in MA but hitting neighborhoods w/a lot of registered dems that had low voter turnout in 2016.

>I think about people who stand outside grocery stores trying
>to get people to sign petitions to get something on the
>ballot. I respect the fuck out of it, i really do, but I also
>hate people bugging me, knocking on my door, etc.. so I'll
>rarely bite on any of it (at most I'll ask them for info where
>i could look into it and sign something on line)
>that said, much respect to anyone who's out there like that.

Yea I totally feel you. For a long time I was that way as well, and still get kinda annoyed with it to this day.

But there came a point where I thought: if I'm gonna drive my friends insane all the time pontificating about politics and how bad the repuglican party is I should prolly put some action behind my words.

But obviously it's not for everyone, and understandably so.