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Topic subjectThat was my takeaway
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13344033&mesg_id=13364225
13364225, That was my takeaway
Posted by Lurkmode, Wed Jan-29-20 01:05 PM
>In any district, if some candidate doesn't reach some cutoff
>percentage of caucusgoers (I think it's 15%, but I could be
>wrong), they need to choose another candidate.

Yep in the rest of the article it says

"In most Iowa precincts, candidates need to win at least 15 percent support to be considered viable. Caucusgoers whose candidates don’t meet that threshold will then have to realign and support a different candidate."

>Warren is the second choice of like 70% of the people who
>aren't planning to caucus for her. So she might get a big bump
>out of this. Biden and Buttigieg might get a couple points as
>Normally, this phenomenon isn't enough to turn many districts.
>But with the race as close as it is, and with so many
>candidates who will frequently or usually fall below the
>cutoff (Bennet, Steyer, Bloomberg, and in many districts
>Klobuchar), it'll be a lot more pronounced.

Could be a problem for the Berns and Biden