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Topic subjectwhats vague about : ‘he said he didn’t think a woman could win, I
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13344033&mesg_id=13361955
13361955, whats vague about : ‘he said he didn’t think a woman could win, I
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Mon Jan-13-20 11:50 PM

That definitely rang true to me when I read that it was during a discussion about how sanders was fretting leaning into identify politics.

I’m not even vilifying sanders for saying that, I think that was his practical perspective, feeling that the sexism in society would affect votes in certain swing states (as it did in 2016). I don’t take that as he wouldn’t vote himself for a woman or support a woman candidate but just feeling (like many do unfortunately) that a woman can’t win, or Black Person this time or a Latino etc . It’s the electability argument, it’s the same thing that is keeping Biden afloat amongst many Black voters.

But yeah sanders had to be reset in the last debate when he didn’t respond directly to a question about race, his distaste for identity politics is pretty easy to pick up on.