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Topic subjectwhoa. did anyone know a pres can be retried by a new senate?? (swipe)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13355672&mesg_id=13358215
13358215, whoa. did anyone know a pres can be retried by a new senate?? (swipe)
Posted by kfine, Thu Dec-05-19 11:39 AM


Impt note on future: If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election. Double jeopardy protections do not apply. And Senators voting on impeachment in the next months know this.

@KennethBaer Replying to @neal_katyal
If impeached and removed, could he run again?

The senate has the option of disqualifying him from future office holding. That’s a separate vote. In the constitution itself. My book goes into detail on it.

^^^Sorry if somebody already posted somewhere, but wow. I had no idea the law was set up this way.

Kind of sheds a whole new light on the power in even a weak Dem electoral outcome (eg. winning Sen but not WH).

Props to the Framers lol