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Topic subjectMy hot garbage ASUS died so now I'm in a refurb S7
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13352524&mesg_id=13352586
13352586, My hot garbage ASUS died so now I'm in a refurb S7
Posted by bigkarma, Fri Oct-18-19 12:55 PM
Having a good phone camera is a big deal for me. I have a kid in sports and I also travel a lot, so I like to have the convenience of not having to carry a phone AND a camera.

Whenever it's time to get a new phone I always pick whatever has the strongest camera. So, I copped an ASUS over a year ago, because it boasted the highest megapixels for a smart phone.

The camera WAS incredible, but the rest of the phone was trash, and eventually the touch screen became unresponsive. I took it back to Verizon and came out with a refurb S7, the option which allowed me to walk out with no out of pocket expense, until my contract is up.