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Topic subjectThat does not cancel Ed, 2 bodies in his home and no charges
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13348057&mesg_id=13348209
13348209, That does not cancel Ed, 2 bodies in his home and no charges
Posted by Lurkmode, Wed Sep-18-19 08:07 PM
I understand Malik's fame and I understand why story is covered, but it's not 2 dead bodies and no charges.

Can you explain where was your reply when the OP said

"While y'all hyped up about the Malik Yoba situation what about Ed Buck?"

I mean if you have a problem with "conflating a famous person with a no famous one" it seems like your first reply would go to the OP, instead you skipped over everyone who did this and stopped at my reply ?

What happen ?