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13347265, *checks calendar*
Posted by Walleye, Thu Sep-12-19 01:33 PM
>he sees the party as pursuing a “pro-white” agenda and using black >people like him as “political pawns.”

Of course he's running for office now, even though there's no way to reconcile possessing a working conscience with waiting to determine until September of 2019 that Trump is a dangerous racist. Can't any of these dorks who've had their road to Damascus moment with Trump do *anything* else with their lives? We didn't throw Bush-era torturers or guys who wrecked the economy in jail, so he's gonna be fine. But pursuing any role of public influence and visibility is just insulting after Trump. Ditto Scaramucci too. Let these bootlickers get redeemed the old fashioned way, in church or with alcoholism or something.