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Topic subjectStill no
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13341577&mesg_id=13341607
13341607, Still no
Posted by Lurkmode, Fri Jul-05-19 11:07 AM
>>>But we do. BLACK folks expect a person to have NO issues,
>>>ALWAYS, be on point for a leading cause, ALWAYS BE ULTRA
>>>for the RIGHT BLACK ISSUE. White folks care up until the
>>>voting day and they will cut off their hand/issue close
>>>heart just to win.
>>Nah you making up most of that. Nothing wrong with holding
>>folks feet to the fire.
>>White folks are not perfect.
>>>BLACK Folks kill their own until nothing is left and then
>>>complain about there not being any good black candidate.
>>Sounds like you think the worst about Black folk and give
>>benefit of the doubt to whites.
>Save the Strawman. I'm basing my opinion on my observations
>and the results. We as black folks have a tendency to kill our
>own and tear down our interest looking for the perfect
>candidate, while white folks seem to understand that the
>issues it to win and then hold a joker's feet to the fire.

No strawman here just countering your ridiculous argument. So you are drawing conclusions about what black folks and white folks do based on your small limited sample size ?

The white man's ice is not colder no matter how much you want it to be.