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Topic subjectIf YT Music doesn't match Google Play Music feature for feature
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13338748, If YT Music doesn't match Google Play Music feature for feature
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-18-19 06:15 AM
by the time they make it official and dead GPM, then i'm bouncing.
Has it been updated since they first rolled it out? The interface was terrible to me and I don't like the whole idea of videos and music being all mixed together. Seems like that kills both batter AND data usage. If i'm working out or just trying to LISTEN to music I don't like the idea of using additional data or battery power for a video version of a song..
I dunno.... Google be doing too much and not enough sometimes. I am/was a HUGE fan of GPM for years...but now that Google's trend is to kill all their good products and ideas juuuuust when folks start catching on to them makes me super uneasy about committing to any of their services any more.

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"Bury me by my Grand-Grand and when you can come follow me"