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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectLiving around family is overrated in 2019
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13337346&mesg_id=13337736
13337736, Living around family is overrated in 2019
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jun-11-19 02:24 PM
So many planes, affordable rental cars, FaceTime, group texts, picture sharing

That unless you have regular family hobbies like “we go bowling at granny’s ever other week” then it’s a stretch to do once you leave

And I say that while loving my family dearly, but I’m not jonsing to be around them and o think most people aren’t when they really think about it. We just tend to do what’s comfortable and complain about it.

Meanwhile, I don’t know San Antonio like that. I moved from here 12 years ago I was only here for 10. Half of that was high school and all I did was sports, the other half was college and all I did was date and work. Everything has changed, some lots some little. So
I can’t call it. Our other car got in yesterday, so that helps.