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Topic subjectYea E-Dubs is my #1.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13332649
13332649, Yea E-Dubs is my #1.
Posted by Brew, Tue May-14-19 09:11 PM
I think she's recovering nicely from the huge gaffe in the fall. She's hitting all the policy notes, taking shots at Faux News, calling for impeachment loudly, and campaigning in the right places early on.

She's getting love in the midwest from what I understand too which is hugely important. She's hitting all their policy soft spots and I'm hoping those folks come to realize just how bad Individual 1 has fucked them, too.

I see the Hillary comparisons but reject them at this point because I think Warren's doing a way way better job campaigning early on. She's strategic where Hillary was counting on her name and rep to get her votes in certain places, resting on her laurels.

I do understand folks' concerns re: her ability to hold her own in debates down the road but let's get there first. I think if she continues climbing the ladder and gaining momentum she'll be fine in debates. She's smarter than a lot of the folks in the Dem field and like someone already said, can break shit down like few can because of her background in education. And she's definitely smarter than Individual 1 and I think she'll come with that fire if all he's got is "hey you're Pochahontas"

I'm finding myself starting to hope more and more that she rises up the ranks quick and wins the dem nomination. It's early as hell but she aligns w/my priorities more than most if not all the dem candidates thus far.