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Topic subjectI don't disagree, and maybe you didn't catch what I said
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13330258&mesg_id=13330536
13330536, I don't disagree, and maybe you didn't catch what I said
Posted by Mr. ManC, Sun May-05-19 01:09 PM
but that is my point. People's first reaction is "fake stats" and how people are still under employed and the boom isn't real. Then on the flip side people are like "this isn't Trump's economy, its Obama's!"

To which you can point between the 2 and say that Obama owns the fake stats of the economy. However Dems try to argue this against Trump they are going to end up arguing some form of mess back onto Obama, imo.