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Topic subjectlike I said the timing is awful imo
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13330072, like I said the timing is awful imo
Posted by Stadiq, Thu May-02-19 01:24 PM

Even if it is a "long game" of chicken, the timing is terrible man.

Nancy is sharing tic tacs with Mr Obstruction? Oh and leaving it up to the "committees"? Cmon.

Its also funny/frustrating that the GOP does shit like what I said all the time and come out on top.

In fact, the GOP stonewalling Obama is often cited whenever even a slight criticism of Obama is brought up. He's basically immune to any accountability for a lot of Democrats.

But when someone suggests the Dems fight like the GOP, its a "terrible strategy" and partisan.

A terrible strategy that consistently works for the other side? A terrible strategy that stopped Obama's agenda in its tracks?

I know- "Dems can't/shouldn't act like the GOP"

That's kind of my point, though. Dem leaders and some voters want to keep pretending that there is some form of normalcy going on. There really isn't.

So the Dems keep acting like everything is normal, and a lot of people get fucked. And they look silly.

And if Trump really is as awful as we all say (including Dems in their hearings), why this urge to work with him on "common ground"? How do the Dems have "common ground" with this guy?

And maybe it is a long-game of chicken where the Dems are going to be able to say "see, we even tried to work with him and the GOP voted against their own Pres" or whatever...fucking wait Chuck and Nancy. Wait at least a month or so and shine more light on the fact that individual 1 is basically refusing to cooperate with congress, and ordering others not to cooperate.

Shine light on Trump trying to dismantle Obamacare in the courts. Etc.

And to your impeachment point, I (unsurprisingly to you, I'm sure) blame the Dem leaders. Either impeach or don't.

Either hold Barr in contempt, or stop investigating.

Either make every meeting/press even about Trump/Barr, or move the fuck on.

This trying to half-way investigate Trump, but with no real plan to hold him accountable is muddling the message and will ultimately piss off everyone.

So, if the Dems are going to impeach...do it.

If not, stop the charade because all it is doing is making them look indecisive and like they are just holding hearings/investigations to ... well harass and put on a show. Which is exactly what they are being accused of. Make it count or stop.

I know, impeachment takes time. Okay. Then stop giving him white house photo ops and cute stories about sharing tic tacs.