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Topic subjectnot only that, but they want to work with him
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13330022, not only that, but they want to work with him
Posted by Stadiq, Thu May-02-19 11:00 AM
on an infrastructure plan and give him a huge win right before the election.

This is **while** he is basically refusing to play ball with the house on any investigations, still pursuing his wall, proposing to slash foreign aid, trying to place straight up on cronies with the Fed, etc.

My point being, Dems could easily say "We'll work with individual 1 on investing in much needed updates to our infrastructure once he comes to the table on other issues" or whatever. Could even throw in a jab about his tax plan "we'll work with him on infrastructure once he comes to the table on making some adjustments to the tax code so that we can afford it" or some shit.

Nope. They desperately want to believe, even now, that the other side operates in good faith. Still.

And even if there is some other long game (I doubt it), the timing is terrible.

If I'm average Joe 'Murikkka, I'm asking myself "if they are so confident Trump is guilty/terrible/obstructed justice, why don't they impeach? Not only that, but they are having cutesie meetings and sharing tic tacs?"

Fucking Dems.