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Topic subjectHe definitely benefits from the Obama connection.
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13328162, He definitely benefits from the Obama connection.
Posted by Brew, Wed Apr-24-19 10:08 AM
>I think he benefits A LOT from the Obama connection. People
>hear his name and think "Oh, Obama's VP/buddy/whatever? Yeah,
>I like him"
>Even putting the creepy stuff and gaffs aside, I think the
>more people learn about him the less appealing he will look.
>There is a lot to NOT like, and relatively little to actually
>get excited about.

Yea in the context of being progressive he just doesn't really seem to check off any boxes at all, the more I learn about him the last couple of years.

>My worry is that he will still win the nom though, and then
>proceed to lose the general in Hillary 2.0 fashion.

I don't think he'd lose like that, because (a) America's woman problem had a lot to do with the low turnout for Hillary and (b) I think Joe has the type of personality and smarts to outwit Individual 1. Hillary lacked the capability to be human in the moments when Individual 1 was just throwing sarcasm against the wall to get a reaction out of the crowd. I think Joe will be better at countering that.

Not saying that this is what I *want* to happen - just saying, if Joe won the dem nod I don't think he'd have as much trouble with Individual 1 as Hillary did.

>I don't think "elect-ability" is even a good argument for him.
> Trump against an old, white, unprofessional, Washington
>insider with an inconsistent record (at best) who is preaching
>unity? And Trump can say "the economy was worse under you and
>Obama" and shit like "why didn't you fix it when you guys were
>in power?"? Sprinkle in his creepiness and the Anita Hill
>stuff, etc? Nah.

I don't even like the term "elect-ability" - it's been overused in the Individual 1-era and I think it's especially been overused in the last couple weeks w/people trying to talk themselves out of the need to explore impeachment. Folks are more concerned w/poll #s and political convenience going into 2020 than they are w/protecting democracy and the people of the US from the several ongoing security threats we currently face due to Individual 1's corruption and incompetence.

>I agree with you about Warren- I've liked her more and more
>lately. I wish her campaign had gotten off to a better start,
>though. I hope she lasts long enough for more people to hear
>her policy proposals.

Yes that was a huge mistake but I think that she's quickly making people forget about it. I know it's not something she'd be able to avoid during a deep prez run but I actually think it's a *good* thing that it happened before she even declared because people have short memories these days. It'll come up again but hopefully by then folks will basically be like "yea, we know, and have known" haha.