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Topic subjectI honestly think a lot of people don't know Biden
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13327894
13327894, I honestly think a lot of people don't know Biden
Posted by Stadiq, Tue Apr-23-19 11:35 AM

I think he benefits A LOT from the Obama connection. People hear his name and think "Oh, Obama's VP/buddy/whatever? Yeah, I like him"

Even putting the creepy stuff and gaffs aside, I think the more people learn about him the less appealing he will look. There is a lot to NOT like, and relatively little to actually get excited about.

My worry is that he will still win the nom though, and then proceed to lose the general in Hillary 2.0 fashion.

I don't think "elect-ability" is even a good argument for him. Trump against an old, white, unprofessional, Washington insider with an inconsistent record (at best) who is preaching unity? And Trump can say "the economy was worse under you and Obama" and shit like "why didn't you fix it when you guys were in power?"? Sprinkle in his creepiness and the Anita Hill stuff, etc? Nah.

I agree with you about Warren- I've liked her more and more lately. I wish her campaign had gotten off to a better start, though. I hope she lasts long enough for more people to hear her policy proposals.