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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectits not beside the point. it is the point.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13326542
13326542, its not beside the point. it is the point.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Apr-15-19 01:50 PM
democratic voters are funneling money to a divided field of candidates. republican voters are funneling money to one.

trump also has the entire party apparatus behind him. dem candidates only have their individual campaign operations.

yet and still...overall democratic voters have donated multiples more than trump/repub voters have for the quarter.

to put more context to it...several of the candidates havent even been fundraising the whole quarter like trump.

the fundraising energy is clearly still on the dem side.

its pointless to compare an incumbent or presumptive nominee of one party to a cherrypicked subset of candidates who only represent a fractional section of their party.

nobody compared barack fundraising to rick santorum and/or newt gingrich lol. see how silly that sounds?

im all for the alarmism since its great for riling up donors and boosting fundraising. but its intellectually dishonest and historically inconsistent on the part of the media.