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Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13326114
13326114, update
Posted by mista k5, Fri Apr-12-19 01:50 PM
im really cooling on andrew yang. primarily because his answer to everything sounds more and more like UBI. college is too expensive?? not if you get $1000 per month. losing your job? dont worry here is the same $1000 per month. need health insurance? $1000. youre on food stamps and tnaf? sorry gotta give it up to get $1000. maybe i should have read his website closer but im liking his ideas less.

there are some other things he seems to be against that is making me second guess him. maybe a cabinet pick but thats it.

i like pete until i see a reason not to. this clash vs pence is interesting but eh whatever. im hoping he has a bigger plan for it and lets the right back themselves into a corner with it.

beto is really inspiring. i really thought his launch speech was great, i thought he did a good job saying what he wants to do without having to have a fully blown out plan.

both pete and beto seem to be taking this approach, leaving some room to finalize plans later. im not against it but i can see why some folks would be worried about that.

i like bernie, hes old but he definitely has some urgency. if our system didnt suck it would be great to see him just implement everything he wants to. i would definitely vote for him.

i like what i know about warren, she doesnt inspire me but i would definitely vote for her.

i like harris i think she would be good, not enthusiastic about her but i can see her doing great once the debates start happening.

booker bores me.

im still so meh on biden, i hope he doesnt run. hes not at the level of dislike that hillary was but i would vote for him in the general just out of principle really. no way i want trump over any dem.

no one else has made an impact on me and i dont think i will bother digging for info on them unless they start making noise.