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Topic subjectRight on cue with an equivocation fallacy
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13323291, Right on cue with an equivocation fallacy
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Mar-29-19 11:57 AM
>Every person in the
>military that follows an order into a theater of war does so
>not based on the order alone or patriotism. The actions are
>based on the faith (in training, in integrity, in the cause,
>etc) that gives them the courage to move forward and execute
>the order.

Cool story. We were discussing faith from a religious standpoint, and you respond with an equivocation to something else entirely.

Further, it's a loose and sloppy analogy. These are entirely different usages of the word "faith", not to mention the way you kinda-sorta-not-really tied it to "courage".

What's funny is, regardless of how poor this analogy is- and it is terrible- what you did was try to make a case for courage stemming from faith. Not faith coming from courage.

It's a weird and convoluted tangent you're on.

>Christianity and having faith in the Lord God. This is why
>strong Christians are courageous.

Yes, the strong belief that dying is actually a good thing because it sends you to your concept of heaven can certainly lead to a certain amount of courage.

None of thisnhas anything to do with wehether or not any god actually exists, much less the sadistic narcissistic deity of the bible.

I doubt that you've ever
>served anyone or rushed to the aid of anyone.

Oh....k.... how does this tie in to....

That's why
>you're so miserable, you don't have the courage to move past
>the issues that hurt you because you lack the faith that is

^^^^and.....boom, back to these vague references to "issues that have hurt me", saying I'm miserable, as though any of that has anything to do with whether a god exists.