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Topic subjectyeah its very early but I'm afraid it will be down to
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13320696
13320696, yeah its very early but I'm afraid it will be down to
Posted by Stadiq, Tue Mar-19-19 11:22 AM

Biden, Bernie, Beto

I don't think that's a good look for the party, frankly.

Out of the three, the only one I can see winning the general is Beto...and as you sort of laid out, that is purely based on superficial stuff.

I hope Warren and Pete pick up some steam to make it at least a little far for their policy discussions.

And I get the Kamala issues, but I'd much rather have her than Biden. At this point, it seems like she more than anyone needs to hope he doesn't run.

I'm convinced a lot of Dems/Liberals/whatever don't actually know Biden's history.