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Topic subjectentirely possible.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13320151
13320151, entirely possible.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Mar-15-19 05:21 PM
but to also put it in proper context...*southern* black voters are specifically important here. because they make up such a large share of dem primary voters in those states. 55% of black people live in the south. more than the northeast, midwest, southwest, and west combined.

so you could conceivably do well with black voters elsewhere...but if you do poorly with black voters in the south...that could be an insurmountable hole (like 2016).

as far as not appealing to conservative/centrist dems in sc...isnt that an issue too for someone looking to represent the entire party?

hillary was still able to win liberal states like cali, ny, mass, etc. like hillary won progressive san fran county by a bigger margin than the more conservative orange county.

shouldnt bernie be able to at least make *some* inroads there instead of solely relying on his base within the base?