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Topic subjectthis is another thing:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13320145
13320145, this is another thing:
Posted by Reeq, Fri Mar-15-19 04:55 PM
>im also planning to donate to yang tonight. i really like what
>dude is pushing and i want to make sure he gets into the
>that will probably be it for me until i know much more about
>candidates and actually start backing one.

you have a lot of quality candidates with great policy ideas and some with a lot more experience behind those ideas. im not sure he can just charm his way through that.

like what is he gonna do on the same stage with mayor pete...another young relatable white dude with a sharp mind and arguably a better grasp of policies and their implementation along with executive experience to back it up?