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Topic subjectMaybe at this point you should take a couple minutes
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13319988
13319988, Maybe at this point you should take a couple minutes
Posted by stravinskian, Fri Mar-15-19 11:50 AM
to find at least a SINGLE post to cherry-pick, where Reeq said Biden has it locked up, OR where he said he personally supports Biden.

Like I said, maybe I just missed something. But I'd be surprised if he ever said either thing. It would just be silly to say that Biden has ever had it locked up, so I'd be awfully surprised if he said that.

And as for whether he personally supports Biden, I've never seen Reeq make an explicit claim of personal support for ANY candidate.

Generally I've seen Reeq make political-science type arguments about the objective dynamics of the race. The only statements of personal preferences I've seen from him are statements of explicit *disapproval*, for Hillary, Bernie, and, yes, Joe Biden.

You seem to fixate on your understanding of what you THINK someone said, and get offended if they don't admit they said it. And then you get holier-than-thou about them not admitting to saying something that you think they said but they didn't actually say. You've done it to me, too.

>And LULZ at you saying anything about comprehension when you
>stooped to calling me a Bernie Bro. You either didn't
>comprehend a ton of my posts or you really do just default to
>ignore/deflect/bernie bro

Personally, when *I* call you a Bernie Bro it's only because I know how much it winds you up. I can think of three or four classic Bernie Bros here and I wouldn't count you among them. You do, however, share some of the same selective self-certainty about what you think the public wants.

>Still haven't responded to Vex up above either lol.

I don't know if you know Vex, but the man is a lunatic conspiracy theorist. He's not JUST a Bernie Bro, it goes a lot deeper than that. I don't know what post you're talking about, but it should really be thought of as abuse when someone drags on an argument with him.