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Topic subjectthe media apparently loves proms.
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13319981, the media apparently loves proms.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Mar-15-19 11:43 AM
>homie really treatin dis shit like a run for prom king

it was a misfire in a couple ways imo.

but dude dominated coverage more than any other candidate. the good and the bad.

i mean...he had national news journos chasing him around to coffee shops and gas stations on his way to speaking to small venues of 50 people lol. you dont even see other candidates campaign stops in iowa outside of their twitter feed.

the convo about him/trump hand gestures was a headline story in itself.

his iowa tour is damn near impromptu (dude is still asking around to build his ground team). and he still had the most visible launch there of all the candidates.

i dont think people realize how much of an advantage you have now when you can command headlines. the entire way information/content is produced and consumed is built to enable monopolies of fixation. your social media engagement is strong, algorithms amplify it, mainstream media is forced to cover it while its hot so their engagement is consistently strong (+ ad rates), algorithms amplify it, people react/discuss, people react/discuss the reaction/discussion, algorithms amplify it, your social media engagement is strong, and on and on.

the economy of attention. dominated by a handful of commodities (kim k, ye, etc).

my feeling is that his initial interest/fundraising will come in kinda soft (compared to expectations) because it wasnt well organized (they were literally gathering texters and phone bankers the day before). he maybe comes in somewhere between harris and bernie. but dude is gonna campaign relentlessly/creatively and suck up so much space in the media that he will be at the top (money and media share) by the summer. prolly be among the top polling contenders after a few debates.