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Topic subjectlol you would rather spend all that time
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13319970
13319970, lol you would rather spend all that time
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Mar-15-19 11:27 AM
Cherry picking links and shit than saying "yeah I liked Biden's chances but I've changed my mind"??? haha whew

Damn dog. Its okay, man. All of us are wrong sometimes. All of us change our mind sometimes.

No one is going to think less of you man. Hell, you would probably regain some respect with some if you could just admit shit sometimes.

And LULZ at you saying anything about comprehension when you stooped to calling me a Bernie Bro. You either didn't comprehend a ton of my posts or you really do just default to ignore/deflect/bernie bro

Still haven't responded to Vex up above either lol. Man, you can't take being wrong huh? Its legit weird at this point.

Either way, glad you are finally admitting to Biden's issues in a round-about-away at least. Do you.