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Topic subjectwow the Beto O'bama coronation is underway lol
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13319831
13319831, wow the Beto O'bama coronation is underway lol
Posted by Vex_id, Thu Mar-14-19 07:23 PM
Not so fast, though.

Obama had real progressive chops going into 2008. He was vocally opposed to the Iraq war - had a strong progressive record in the Senate - and wasn't afraid to take bold policy stances.

Beto has none of that. To the contrary - his record reflects that he supports fracking, is pro-AIPAC, is cozy with fossil fuel and oil & gas industries, hasn't supported the fight for 15, hasn't supported Green New Deal, hasn't supported MCA, doesn't want to break up the big banks (in fact, he supported to deregulate them), has been pro-interventionism abroad etc... etc...

He is an aspirational candidate with genuine charisma - but let's be clear: He's no Obama.
