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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectlol stop
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13319801
13319801, lol stop
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Mar-14-19 04:35 PM
You were for him and you know it. I'm not saying he was your top choice, but don't act like you weren't at least somewhat of a fan.

You got excited about the polls. Just admit it. Its...weird you can't admit to being wrong or even off or even to just changing your mind.

You've gone back and forth (which we all do at times) on him but refuse to even admit to that lol. Glad to see you at least admitting to Biden's issues now though, even if...for some really odd reason...you are going to pretend now you were never for him.

Damn dog, "yeah now I see what you mean/meant, I kind of changed my mind" ain't that hard.

Not really looking to debate you again though so- I'll just choose my own Reeq adventure: Ignore? Deflect? Call someone a Bernie Bro?

Hmmm....I'll just guess which one you would employ here, and save us both time. (You ignored a few posts up above btw)