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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectthe media is clearly gonna paint bernie as a rising socialist dictator.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13319791
13319791, the media is clearly gonna paint bernie as a rising socialist dictator.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Mar-14-19 03:41 PM

i even see some of the more normally sensible 'never trumpers' talking about him as a populist authoritarian.

these folks view policies supported by the majority of working americans as more of a threat than the 40% or less anti-constitutional far right demagogue agenda embodied in trump.

on morning joe a few days ago...they were absolutely baffled that bernie was top 2 in polls and gaining on biden (after announcing). dude was the most nationally viable contender in 2016 not named clinton/trump who only *increased* his national recognition up to now. would they be confused by anyone else with those credentials in that position?

bernie obviously isnt my chosen candidate this time around.

but i will happily vote for him if he is the nominee.

the fucked up part is...if he is eventually the dem nominee...he will already have to contend with a disproportionate amount of oppo research done by mainstream media outlets themselves.

trump, the media, and howard schultz are all gonna be pushing the same coordinated anti-socialist smear campaign.

2020 is gonna be a rough one fam. i really hope we can push through the bullshit and stay hardened behind the dem candidate...even if its not our personal favorite.