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Topic subjectdefinitely a fumbled announcement
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13319655, definitely a fumbled announcement
Posted by mista k5, Thu Mar-14-19 10:45 AM
the cover with the sad dog isnt great either. that twisted quote. the magazine being called vanity. doesnt look good.

heres the full quote

"It’s 10:30 P.M. and Amy is now curled up on a chair next to Beto, scrolling through e-mails. The kids are asleep. I ask O’Rourke if he could see himself among the presidential biographies on his shelf—Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy. “I haven’t really thought about that,” he says. “I think, ego-wise, we’re going to be O.K. if we don’t run. Where we won’t be O.K. is, if we don’t run and come to the conclusion later on, if we had run, man, this wouldn’t have happened. Things would have been a lot better. Or—”

“You didn’t do everything you could,” Amy says, completing his sentence.

“We didn’t do everything that we could,” he says.

Beto O’Rourke seems, in this moment, like a cliff diver trying to psych himself into the jump. And after playing coy all afternoon about whether he’ll run, he finally can’t deny the pull of his own gifts. “You can probably tell that I want to run,” he finally confides, smiling. “I do. I think I’d be good at it.”

“This is the fight of our lives,” he continues, “not the fight-of-my-political-life kind of crap.

But, like, this is the fight of our lives as Americans, and as humans, I’d argue.”

The more he talks, the more he likes the sound of what he’s saying. “I want to be in it,” he says, now leaning forward. “Man, I’m just born to be in it, and want to do everything I humanly can for this country at this moment.”"

not saying the context makes it a lot better and in this world soundbites matter more to people.

the article is actually full of a lot more areas to criticize him. it would be good to read something similar on all candidates. it was basically a very open and honest look into him.


i do have concerns about him, some brought up by this story. i do think overall he wants to move the country in the right direction. he is definitely more so on the side of, lets do this in steps instead of lets do this now camp.

right now he would be my choice. yang has actually grown a lot on me. i would project that my vote would be for yang followed by bernie followed by beto. we will see how things play out.