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Topic subjectbtw what is bernies signature congressional accomplishment?
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13319226, btw what is bernies signature congressional accomplishment?
Posted by Reeq, Tue Mar-12-19 05:24 PM
not tryna be funny.

but for someone who has been in congress for 30 years...what landmark legislation bears his name? or what historical achievement was he instrumental in getting over the finish line?

bernie has been great for bernie no doubt. but i think you might be overvaluing his contribution to the party as a whole.

even in 2017/2018...in places like va, tx, az...where dems pulled off big wins...they were in races where bernie tended to stay out of.

he wasnt even that big of a factor in high profile competitive primaries relative to his status/reputation. his endorsed candidates got beat in places like ks (welder) and va (perriello).

in fact the relatively unheralded progressive group pccc had double the primary endorsement success rate (67%) than justice dems and our revolution (32%).

primary candidates who were on the dccc red to blue list or were endorsed by the dscc had a 95% win rate lol.

and he or his org didnt raise/spend near the amount of money on dem candidates/causes as steyer, bloomberg, dscc, dccc, pelosi, priorities usa, emilys list, ppact, etc did.

and they def werent putting in legal/gotv/etc groudwork like indivisible, swing left, naral, aclu, etc.

im not sure how you can view any of that as him doing more for the party than anyone else. clue me in.