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13318681, Ok
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Mar-10-19 11:12 AM

>My only point is that we still don't have any candidates that
>general election voters would take seriously.

That's a good thing, it's not good for a Dem to peak now.

This is gonna be
>a hard general election, and we're just gonna land on someone
>randomly after a bruising primary and expect them to beat
>Trump when his current approval rating is *higher* than when
>he took office.

It's not going to be a cake walk for Trump. He has to keep all the states he won and maintain or add to the crack in the blue wall.

>I always want to hope I'm just being pessimistic when I think
>2004 is repeating itself, but the parallel is holding.

If you think of 92 HW came off winning the first Iraq war.

>Most people, especially progressives, underestimated Trump the
>first time around. We shouldn't do it again.

True can't underestimate him but Dem's shouldn't make him invincible.