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Topic subjectwhat kills me about the #neverBernie crowd is
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13318315
13318315, what kills me about the #neverBernie crowd is
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu Mar-07-19 06:52 PM
their entire criticism is that Democrats/Independents/Conservatives etc that participated in their primary last cycle FOR Bernie specifically who later either voted elsewhere or not at all - they blame THEM for Trump. Those same people said that not voting for the Democratic nominee - to people who weren't even Democrats - for the sake of Trump not being President.

Now, Trump IS President, and just because there is a prospect that Sanders would be successful enough to win the nomination AND bring a sweeping majority of general election voters AND pass an urgent and desperately needed platform - they want to sit it out.

I understand being against Clinton's platform and politics and deciding to not vote Democratic. But for people who voted for Hillary to make their moral line in the sand Bernie Sanders of all people when they were just "Blue No Matter Who" last time for the Presumptive Nominee.....I just don't get it. Other that his election is evidence that 2016 should have gone the other way.