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Topic subjectI certainly didn't mean to imply I thought he was a lock.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13318296
13318296, I certainly didn't mean to imply I thought he was a lock.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Mar-07-19 05:32 PM
He just seemed like the natural candidate this time around. He can make the progressive case in a way that's convincing to those who aren't yet convinced. So he seemed like the natural person to broaden the party while still holding onto the base (something I can't see from any of the rest of the current slate). Also, he can win statewide in Ohio, which Dem candidates need to do to win. And he'd easily take back the blue wall, whereas I don't see any of the other candidates being sure bets for that.

He's a real Democrat, and progressive and populist (in the good sense) *because* he's a real Democrat, and he doesn't come off as phony about it in any way. I think once things came into focus that would have made a good contrast with Trump (and with a lot of the primary candidates, not that I'd name names right now).

Maybe I just hold a lot of reverence for the days of blue collar, Union Democrats. Maybe those days are long past, but if so I think it's a problem for us.