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Topic subjectI legit think Trump is winning in 2020 at this point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13314377&mesg_id=13318217
13318217, I legit think Trump is winning in 2020 at this point
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Mar-07-19 02:49 PM

Not to get all sky is falling and shit, but I'm leaning back that way. And I know its too early to call regardless, but...

His approvals are starting to tick up.

The media is on their same old shit.

He's going to use this wall shit to play his base like a fiddle again.

Dems seem nearly determined to repeat 2016 with Bernie vs Biden.

Even in this large group of potential candidates, not one of them makes me comfortable in the GE (yet, I admit). Certainly not Biden or Bernie.

I'm also cynical as fuck, I admit.