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Topic subjectAbsolutely love Blue and Pinkerton and will defend those to the death
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13310988&mesg_id=13311034
13311034, Absolutely love Blue and Pinkerton and will defend those to the death
Posted by Marauder21, Fri Feb-01-19 11:29 AM
BUT, I don't agree with the "everything afterwards is garbage" stuff people say. Green and Maladroit were very good, maybe bordering on great. Make Believe and Red aren't even COMPLETELY worthless (you could probably make a decent 8-10 track album with the best songs from those two) and EWBAITE and White are also between good and really good. And I always disagreed with the people who wrote them off as a novelty/nostalgia/whatever act because it's dismissive and a lazy hot take.

Except now that's literally what they're doing with this Beach Boys/cover albums shit. which, whatever, get your money. But this is where I've gotta get off, it was a nice ride and I'll never forget the classics.

I don't think Leslie Jones' character below is totally wrong, but she's at least right in spirit. Matt Damon says things that should get people committed. I related waaay too hard to this.
