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Topic subjectyes.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13306902&mesg_id=13308642
13308642, yes.
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue Jan-22-19 04:50 PM
>they purposely make it more difficult to do things on screen
>so that you are more inclined/forced to use voice???

this is especially true for Google Play Music (if you use the app).


what's worse is that Google is trying to move people on to YouTube Music, which doesn't even work in Android Auto. Google's a mess on this whole thing.

>i dont switch around playlists much. i usually will listen to
>the same playlist on shuffle for days. there are times when
>the playlist will stop because i finished all the songs so
>getting it to restart or switch was awkward in my old car. not
>sure what will happen with android auto. maybe i need to ask
>it to play a different playlist while im driving to test it

That could be handled in the source app, if it has a "repeat all" function. I use this often but have to set it in the app before connecting to Android Auto, since that option isn't available in that interface.

>ideally i would want it to play music over bluetooth when i
>turn it on, switch to android auto once connected then switch
>back to bluetooth when i unplug my phone but stay in the car
>putting the sunshade on, gathering my things etc.

my car actually does that (Volvo V90). it'll connect to Bluetooth before it goes into AA, and will auto play. I think it's a setting though.