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Topic subjectFelt. Wasn't coming at you BTW...just relating and the question was
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13297413, Felt. Wasn't coming at you BTW...just relating and the question was
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Nov-14-18 08:56 AM
kinda rhetorical more than anything.
It's one of those questions I always ask myself when I start to get heated about something the little is doing wrong. It really helps me to process and come up with an "end game" on the spot if you will..

>point where my daughter is 'fearful' of me. When it gets to
>that point it's because nothing else has worked and she's
>pushing all the buttons. It's a slow '1,2,3' and then in stern
>voice, 'Ok, I've given you a chance so stop what you're doing
>and go hang out in your room until you can tell me why you
>think we got to this point'. She hates being sent to room so
>it gets resolved pretty quick.

OH man, our 6 year old KNOWS how to push them buttons and sometimes seems to make it a game! And the 2 year old is learning the game quick!

>But we talk a lot and, like I said, I give her praise when
>she's admitted to making a mistake. I want her to know that
>telling the truth will ALWAYS be praised and that lying just
>leads to disappointment.
>But the thoughts of systematically spanking my child, knowing
>the stress and fear she'd feel, I just couldn't do it.

That's what's up. It's the talking that I think really puts them back on track. Hell...i'm certain that the majority of the acting out that our little ones do is based on them needing some attention. Especially the 6 year old that's in kindergarten now. She's in a class of 25 kids and I know she misses the attention that she used to get in her pre school that had a measly 8 kids.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."