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Topic subject all these teachable moments are on some Cosby Show tv set
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13297341, all these teachable moments are on some Cosby Show tv set
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Nov-13-18 04:22 PM
The kid runs out in the street.. you tell them not to do it again, it happens again, then it happens a third time.

Words and conversations? Ok

Kid touches the stove...

Kid hits younger kid

I also notice y’all keep going from spanked to BEATING like they are the same.

You said yourself we don’t always have the time to parent like the books tell us.

That’s the struggle. The stress of life, other shit on your mind and a kid is also testing your word... we don’t always have time for that 15 minute convo. Voices get raised and occasionally a butt gets tapped.

IMO that’s not bad parenting. That’s just how it is sometimes.

You even admitted to spamming and yelling at your kids. You knew it was wrong when you did it or at least knew there were better ways to handle it but guess what? You didn’t use the best method and it’s not because you are/were a bad parent.

I’m not at a point where I can say my kids won’t get tapped on the behind if they act a fool.