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Topic subjectWhat's this "WE" shit???
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13295399&mesg_id=13295399
13295399, What's this "WE" shit???
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Nov-01-18 07:50 AM
man listen...
I like my job. I really do.
Key words though... MY JOB...
I do MY JOB well...
What I DON'T do well is OTHER PEOPLE'S job.
So when you come at me on some "WE gotta do this or that"... I get a tad bit peeved.
ESPECIALLY when I point out the face that there are already mechanisms, protocol, teams, staff, etc. entrusted with doing exactly what you're saying "WE" gotta do.
And then to hit me with the "WE all are obligated to please OUR client"....
WE all have individual responsibilities that equal pleasing the client.
I handle mine.
YOU handle yours.
THEY handle theirs.
And everything will be cool.
If I'M fcking up..cool...let me know.
If YOU fcking up..cool...i'ma let you know.
If THEY fcking up..cool...we can let them know.
But I don't expect YOU to do MY job.
YOU shouldn't expect ME to do YOUR job or THEIR job.
Nor take ownership of THEIR lack of doing THEIR job....
WHY? Because then lines get blurred, folks forget, start to think that MY job is the SAME as THEIR job and when shit goes left they thinking I'M the one that fcked it up...
Nah B.