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Topic subjectWell that's not necessarily true.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13095541&mesg_id=13290825
13290825, Well that's not necessarily true.
Posted by Brew, Tue Oct-09-18 04:05 PM
He's broken a trillion things. But he's somehow given the *appearance* that nothing's broken, and that the things that *are* broken, needed to be broken ...... so yea. Same conclusion re: another 4 years, so we're kinda saying the same thing. Just want to make clear that plenty has been broken in his 2 years. And there's more comin.

>...even if he's objectively *accomplished* nothing"
>This is why I think he has the early advantage in 2020.
>People projected that the country would be in ruins early into
>a Trump presidency. But here we are almost 2 years later, and
>things aren't that much different than they were in 2016.
>He hasn't really broken anything.
>So people won't be hesitant to give him 4 more years.