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Topic subjectI'm prolly alone in this...but I've NEVER felt better after
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13288289&mesg_id=13288702
13288702, I'm prolly alone in this...but I've NEVER felt better after
Posted by ambient1, Thu Sep-27-18 02:37 PM
'talking things out' to someone else
in fact....the exact opposite happens...I feel 10 x's worse

so naturally...I bottle things up...been doin it all my life...
that presents it's own set of problems

I've always been religious....so yeah...I've talked to the big guy...but the big guy isn't the best communicator...so it's like tossin a message in the bottle and waiting by the beach for the bottle to come back with an answer

I use to have close (lady) friends who I could 'vent' to...due to life changes and people dealing with their own, we haven't been as close

My homeboys NEVER understood....so it's pointless talkin to them...we don't handle/view/approach things the same way...never have


lemme go listen to the Commodores 'Zoom'

**goes back to distracting myself**