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Topic subjectStop sweating the small things.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13288289&mesg_id=13288560
13288560, Stop sweating the small things.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Sep-27-18 09:29 AM
>The wife and I are moving to a new APT. We're not ready for a
>house yet. He has the loot saved and the income, but we
>haven't decided if we want to stay in GA or even the country,
>so we're keeping our options open. But COT DANG the RENT in GA
>is getting out of control. This morning the news said that 89%
>of the new apartments built in the Metro Area are classified
>as Luxury Apts. CRAZYTOWN!

If we didn't have kids....knowing what we know NOW....we would have absolutely zero qualms about being home owners vs. renters. I hate that the whole "stigma" is even a thing honestly. In large epensive metropolitan areas (DC, NY, ATL, etc.), actually OWNING a home outright is just not a realistic thing to expect from ANYONE middle class or lower that is getting into the housing market in it's current state.

What are the prices like for renting single family homes down there?

>We can't spend this kind of loot on an APT for too long. We
>either have to buy or make some other decision about where to
>live. I don't want to be tied to a house and then decided to

How much we talking here?

>The wife is on that - When are we gonna have a Baby? I know, I
>know it's part of the deal. I talked her into starting to try
>next May on our anniversary.

We had fall babies....ionno....summer pregnancy was NOT the ideal situation for my wife.

>44 is starting to catch up with me. The body doesn't heal as
>fast, and I'm starting to put even more ZEROS behind my levels
>of caring. LOL

Yes. Got back on my running routine yesterday after a 1 month hiatus....my knees were like "THE FCK IS YOU DOING DAWG?!?!"
I pushed through though...i'm about 5%-10% away from eliminating this Dad Bod status... goals!

"Get ready....for your blessing....."