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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectMy man had on a shawl in the office bruh. A HOODIE SHAWL.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13287881&mesg_id=13288352
13288352, My man had on a shawl in the office bruh. A HOODIE SHAWL.
Posted by flipnile, Wed Sep-26-18 10:29 AM
The overweight OKP-esque black dude in my office. I saw the hood and noticed I didn't see any sleeves and thought it was just baggy but naw. Shit even had that little triangle point at the back. And naw, he isn't LGBTQ, just a dude trying too hard. I *really* had to hold back being like:

"Aye... where are your sleeves at homey? You gotta hold that shit closed when you go outside? Bruh I saw the cutest murse that would totally go with that!" but I'm not in college anymore, lol.

Found a similar pic: http://id3430.securedata.net/cloaksofireland/pics/shawlscapes/capescrf.jpg

I gotta move on up and out of here. I don't fit into office culture.