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Topic subjectIt's fueled by the frustration of knowing Kavanaugh will be confirmed
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13284062&mesg_id=13284079
13284079, It's fueled by the frustration of knowing Kavanaugh will be confirmed
Posted by Teknontheou, Wed Sep-05-18 10:51 AM

There's a disconnect, too, between the amount of power Trump's foes have in so many areas of American society (media, entertainment, academia, Silicon Valley) except for the government. That disconnect causes this sort of lashing out and hallucinating about something like this. That disconnect goes both ways, because conservatives do have such an outsize amount of governmental power, but the entire popular culture is against them, so they hallucinate things too.