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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThis is bullshit. "Clustering" is a good thing for black kids.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13271529&mesg_id=13271536
13271536, This is bullshit. "Clustering" is a good thing for black kids.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jul-02-18 09:24 AM
We do it at my kids school and it's done at the request of the black parents. The grade has two classes and they were sure to put all the black kids in one of the classes and usually with the black teacher. I was skeptical at first but it worked out really well. In fact they tried to end it at 1st grade and the parents advocated for it to continue for another year.

Don't fall for the okey doke of describing it as segregation. Segregation isn't a choice. Clustering is a choice by parents to make sure black kids are in a setting and see kids and teachers that look like them. My boys had black teachers for their first couple of years of school (including a black male) and that was invaluable for them. The studies support it.

I see how kids turn out when they are the only black kid in the class and clustering helps fight those sort of identity issues.

The only people who were mad at clustering at my kids school were the white parents who wanted more diversity in their kids classes and the non-black minority kids (i.e., Asian) who were in the same grade who some times were left out of the clustered classrooms.

BTW, this news story started in the NYPost. It's bullshit.

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