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Topic subjectRE: Sorry! Still though...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13259724&mesg_id=13259950
13259950, RE: Sorry! Still though...
Posted by BlakStaar, Tue May-22-18 03:29 PM
See, it’s mom that concerns me. She might cry over me saying somethin’ so I ain’t saying shit.

I think pops might be a lil embarrassed but he’d be more likely to laugh about it.

When I went downstairs to complete my laundry, they had finished their session. He was downstairs snackin’ with his big ol belly out talbout some, “Hello, how we doing!”

It’s his standard greeting when he sees me, and he hadn’t seen me all day.

I feel like he might know now,. Like, he realized, “Oh, shit. She wasn’t sleep like we thought.”